vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

The 7 priciples of teaching

1. Love
- if you don’t love them, don’t teach them
- first hug then teach
2. No stress (for the child)
- sometimes just leave them alone, give them a break, they may just want to play or rest
3. Positive
- don’t insist on mistakes; show the good parts first and then mention as a plan for future improvement what was not too good
- don’t criticize much, more praise (for the effort at least)
- use grades only when preparing for a competition
4. Interesting
- arouse curiosity by asking questions
- present material wrapped in a story – fairy tale, adventure, mistery or suspense
- unit studies related to fields of interest
5. Participating
- learn together, don’t act as an inspector, but as a more experienced coleague
6. Imitation
- show them how to learn or execute projects and they will imitate (trick – give something to do, do some research and they will watch)
- research on web or dictionary- reason aloud about an idea you just found- repeat a musical phrase or literary
7. Projects hands-on
- work together on a project, all stages: planning, preparation, execution, final analysis

Nick -

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