miercuri, 30 septembrie 2015

What I think about America

                                     By Stefan Baciu

America is a great country, or so everyone says.. I don't like cliches, so I'm gonna change it up a bit. America used to be a great country. It was a place where people could come and fulfill their dreams, they could start their own business, teach their children the way they wanted to, and live peacfully for the rest of their lives. Many people have belived in this country and have fought  to keep it alive. If one of those heroes rose up out of their grave to see what it has become, I don't think they would like it very much..  America has been spiraling downwards very quickly. Man has been getting furthur and further away from God, it infuriates me that the accepted hypothesis for the creation of the universe is the Big Bang. Schools these days don't even want to introduce the idea of an inteligent creation! In the early days of America everyone went to Church on Sundays, everyone said their prayers at night and morning. They were protected and helped by God, thats why they went on to create the steam engine, light bulb, and other very important inventions. Without his guidence people went on to find out about drugs, and other nasty things. The generation of today is getting its creativity crushed by video games and Iphones. The only thing they'd be able to invent in the future, is different types of better drugs. Many people are depressed when they see the next generation of this country, people have died in horrible wars to uphold America, and most kids of today only care about getting to the next level on a game.
If we keep going like this, America is bound to fall to its grave, just like all the heroes that have died for it, there are some kids that restore the faith in humanity in people, we need more of those kids, and that implies parents as well! Most parents these days just throw their kids into public schools and follow their own career, even though those people think they care, they don't. Caring about a child means that you actually have to stay with him or her, YOU have to teach him how to survive in this world, not some unkown, untrusted teacher. Do you really think teachers care about your kids?
I don't want America to become another North Korea, or Syria, because if we keep going on this path we will eventually reach it. I think the only way to stop this is to go to Church, belive in Christ and let Him guide us. 

vineri, 25 septembrie 2015

Impressions from our trip (very funny ))


When I heard that we were going to NY city, I was very excited. But my excitement soon died down quickly after I found out what we were going to do there. For the first week, we would ride around and stare at ordinary buildings around us--which I found very boring since I have already seen plenty of buildings elsewhere--next we went to see the Statue of Liberty, though it had to be at quite a distance since it would cost too much to see it up close (or take too long). Also did I mention we went on a ferry to see it? I guess that was my favorite part. The first week went by pretty quickly, and we finally reached Sunday. I wasn't sure if I was going to see my preschool friend or not, since it has been so long, so I didn't keep my hopes up to high. But to my luck my mother found out she was still here, and I was glad because there were only unfamiliar old people there, that i didn't know, but they seemed to know me so I played along and pretended to recognize them.  After Sunday was over, to my dismay, we had to begin the hard week. My parents would always be so busy and always needed help, so they were giving me and my other siblings lot of work to do. And of course there were whinings and scoldings. After a hard day we would try to sleep, but the beds were so uncomfortable; my legs were hanging off, and  my  little sister has never heard of personal space, and the blankets were so thin. I missed my comfy big bed, with all the space I need, and fluffy blankets and pillows. The week seemed to take forever and I got more and more sick of New York. Too many nasty people, graffiti, narrow roads, traffic noises. But I had to get used to it. Then FINALLY, Saturday arrived. We all packed our stuff, added some finishing touches, then LEFT! The airplane was a pain in the butt, though. Literally. Also my two little siblings were always fighting for the window seat. Cornelia was actually CRYING. The worst was over and we got home quickly as possible. I was so relieved. But then.... A fresh new wave of stress, panic, and worry arrived. Because of the concert in five days.

Our two-week trip to New York City was very interesting. We went on adventures like going on a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty, going to Maine, and many others! Our basic idea on going to NYC is to take everything out of our house there, for we sold it and had to clear everything out of the house. The first week was easy-going ( for me ) and the second week it got a bit more harder, and harder 'till Wednsday. The house was still full. We had a lot of work ahead of us! My parents got Rubbish Removers twice, or even three times. We brought some stuff with us and the rest thrown away with the Rubbish Removers. On George St, my dad has an apartment there. The yard is full of weeds and spiders and bugs. Yuck, if you pulled at least one weed out your hand would be all muddy and dirty. I tried it, pal. We had to clean the basement and put a few of our items in our house on Seneca St/Dr/anythingelse in there. Imagine how many spiders could be in there! Everywhere you turn you'll see at least two or three spiderwebs. When my dad and my oldest brother, Stefan/Codrin went to clear the basement a little, they found a raccoon in there! We were bored about NYC, and we'll head onto Maine because it was part of our trip. You see, we didn't go to Maine just to see the beautiful scenery. We are planning to move there, and we looked at a few houses we viewed on Trulia.com, but first before we move to Maine we are going to our beautiful Country Romania for about 6 months to 1 year. I know this is a little off-topic, but i'll add it because it was awesome adventurous and with amazing scenery... About in our second week or before our second week, we traveled up to Maine. It took hours and hours to get there, and we had to wake up at 5:00 AM., but it was awesome. We got some sleep and a butter-roll to eat on our trip. Once we arrived in Maine, we stopped at a hotel called Super-8.
;We had a TV and and comfy beds. We only stayed there for 2 days. But before we had to go, we went to a friend's house we met in Colorado. They moved to Maine, though. They had 5 dogs, 2 horses, 4 cats and ALOT of chickens! I also got to ride on one of the horses, and i gotta tell ya somethin'. If you're feeling nervous to ride a horse, just stay longer. You'll get used to it and you'd want to ride a horse everyday! Anyway, it was time to go back to New York. We went to Connecticut and stopped there at a hotel. It was Motel-6, a bit worse ( a lot worse ) than Super-8. It smelled like someone smoked in there and the bathroom door wouldn't close fully. I was glad to be back in NYC. and I already told about what we did in the second week of our trip to NYC and Maine. That was our trip to NYC, pretty adventurous, huh? Well, im glad to be writing this essay about NYC and im also VERY glad to be back in San Diego, CA

luni, 21 septembrie 2015

luni, 7 septembrie 2015

miercuri, 2 septembrie 2015

New York, I love you, I love you not.

Ultima oara am fost aici in 2009, pentru examenul de cetatenie (pe care nu l-am trecut, pentru ca petrecusem prea mult timp in Romania si m-am dovedit un viitor cetatean dezinteresat de destinul Americii ca sa ma calific pentru pasaportul biometric).
Plecasem din Reno, Nevada si am stat pentru o zi la casuta noastra din Seneca, impreuna cu mama soacra. A fost ultima oara cand am mai vazut-o, m-a petrecut pana la taxi si ne-am luat ramas bun, amandoua gandindu-ne la acelasi lucru...

Cu totii, hotarasem sa plecam in 2008, cu un an inainte; eram satui pana peste cap de problemele din casa, de lipsa de spatiu, de atmosfera neprietenoasa intr-ale homeschoolingului din statul New York.
Asa ca Nick s-a apucat sa caute un job prin America, oriunde, numai sa plecam de aici. Pentru ca imi doream foarte mult sa ajung  la Sfantul Ioan Maximovici, a cautat ceva aproape de California, si iaca-na, tot pe Coasta de Vest si acum, dupa 7 ani.
Dar sa revin la New York. 
Cand am plecat, copiii erau mici, Codrin avea 6 ani, Olguta 5 iar Lia, abia implinise 2. Si totusi, cate amintiri avem de atunci :).
Am ajuns iar in Seneca si, desi casa arata ca dupa bombardamente, cu tavanul cazut, praf cat degetul si gandaci peste tot, ne -am inghesuit toti in cele doua camarute de sus si ne-am apucat sa desfacem lucrurile. Mobila pe care Nicusor a cumparat-o pentru mine, baia pe care a taiat-o din bucatarie, fiecare lucru pe care l-a facut pentru mica noastra familie - le stiu pe toate :), mi le aduc aminte, hainutele roz, mici, de fetita, lucrurile lui Codrin, care acum ii vin lui Nectarie, poze si videos de la Tae kwon do, medaliile lui Codrin pentru fiecare centura :), desenele lor de pe pereti, masuta mica la care mancam, bucataria in care acum nu mai avem loc toti - fiecare stam in picioare si imbucam pe repezeala ceva-, caci nu avem atatea scaune si nici spatiu sa le punem, toate astea ne apropie mai tare, ne iubim si mai cu foc. 
E casuta noastra, in care am petrecut atatea momente frumoase, si tensionate, iar pe care acum, o s-o vindem.

Orasul tot e haotic, cartierul e prost, suntem exact la granita dintre doua comunitati : cea a latinilor galagiosi - portoricani, spanioli, mexicani - plini de culoare si temperamentali, si cea a polonezilor blonzi, linistiti, frumosi si retrasi. Un amestec ciudat, care ma face sa ma departez si mai tare de spiritul "latin".
 Singurul lucru pe care il regretam erau magazinele romanesti cu mancarea traditionala si vanzatoarele care vorbesc romaneste.
Ah! Ce mi-ati lipsit! 
Ne-am aruncat din avion in masina, si apoi ne.am dus direct la Cofetaria lui Nita, despre care se zice ca a fost cofetarul lui Ceausescu -toata lumea il stie si cumpara de la el. Dupa 20 de an si tot e in business. 

Am cumparat repede niste prajituri, ca sa ne alinam ranile: doua amandine, doua savarine, doua diplomat si un pound de pateuri cu branza. Le-am dat copiilor cate unul, au disparut instantaneu in guritele flamande. Parea aproape o profanare sa strivesti acele bunatati intre dinti. Ele trebuiau inhalate cu grija, transformate intr-o pulbere si trase pe nas, ca un drog din cele mai bune, ca sa dureze mult si sa iti umple simturile. Dura prea putin senzatia in gura, ne apucase deja parerea de rau ca nu cumparasem t.o.t. magazinul. Ughh..

Apoi am fost la magazinul de carnuri, noi ii spuneam Porc, pentru ca numai porcarii aveau acolo, care mai de care mai imbietoare - jumari, slaninuta (care merge cu ceapa), mici, muschi de porc rulat cu condimente, pateuri, siruri de cabanosi curgand din tavan, caltabos, piftie, you name it, ei aveau! 

M-am regasit cu vanzatorul inalt, polonez, ma recunoscuse, veneam cu copiii mici agatati de mine si imi dadea mereu ceva in plus. De data asta m-am oprit la mici, am luat un pound de toti banii si am dat sa plec. Mi-a facut iar semn sa stau si a intrat in frigiderul mare, de unde a scos un sirag de cremvusti pe care mi i-a impachetat in hartie maro si mi i- a strecurat in punga. 
L-am intrebat din sprancene ce e cu asta si mi-a zambit, " Take it, take it, and go. Go." Mi-a placut prea tare de toata atmosfera ca sa mai protestez, am acceptat gestul, dar il voi trimite pe Nic sa mai cumpere ceva de acolo si sa ii dea un tip generos. Nu vreau sa accept cadouri.

Azi am fost la magazinul de bourek, un fel de placinta dobrogeana, cu diferite umpluturi - branza, spanac, carne de vaca. Am luat si de acolo cateva bucati de placinte si iaurt- se vand impreuna si imi aduc aminte cum ma plimbam dupa facultate pe la Piata Romana, Universitate, iar undeva intr-un colt, se vindeau astfel de placintute dobrogene cu branza, la o tejghea,  alaturi de un pahar mare si rece de iaurt. Asta cand ma plimbam cu Tota dupa cursuri. Indragostita pana peste urechi. Imi cara geanta plina de carti si vorbeam si radeam pana nu mai puteam.

Apoi am fost lla Papagalul, alt magazin romanesc, unde am ascultat noile manele romanesti, nu pot sa spun ca m-au dat peste cap, mi-au starnit curiozitatea poate. Aici am gasit cas, branza de burduf, ceai de tei, salata bouef si ulei de floarea soarelui. Delicatese! 
Cred ca o sa ma intorc si mai pufoasa in San Diego.

Am uitat de caldura lipicioasa, da..., asta il pune jos pe Nicu, stam cu doua AC-uri sa ne bata direct pe noi, numai sa scapam de senzatia de caldura. Copiii mi-au cerut in continuu sa bea apa, e o vreme asa de diferita de CA. 
Apoi grafitti-urile, peste tot, ca o panza tãrcatã de prost gust. Ma invatasem sa fac abstractie de ele, dar venind dintr-un loc unde nu sunt, acum imi sar si mai tare in ochi, ma impung in retina si imi fac rau. 
Tot ce merita vazut in New York e Manhattan-ul. Cladirile impresionante, cu adevarat foaaarte lungi si stralucitoare, pleiada de oameni ca lucreaza in ele- si ei interesanti si frumosi, musculosi, bine imbracati, cu parfumul dara dupa ei, uneori simt ca as putea merge ore in sir pe strazi doar uitandu-ma la ei si imaginandu-mi povestea lor. Politistii sunt frumosi, cred ca au ore de body building incluse in servici, ca nu am vazut unul sa fie amarat si fara x-cepsi pe el.
 Constructiile sunt majoritatea vechi, din caramida rosie(excluse buildingurile inalte, totusi) si pe unele chiar scrie anul constructiei. Cred ca NY e printre putinele orase din USA care are case din caramida. Asta aminteste putin de primii oameni care au pus piciorul pe aici si de unde veneau, pentru ca seamana cu cladirile din Londra.
Well, nu poti sa ramai insensibil la frumustile orasului :), iar de data asta am deschis ochii mai bine. Ca sa stiu de unde am plecat.
Good night, New York-erilor, time to move forward!