vineri, 31 iulie 2009

Orthodox arm (1985)

Din vremuri de demult, o formatie de muzica putin neobisnuita, care n-a trait mult, doar cat sa tulbure apele unor existente sterse. Dintr-o muzica aspra, au ramas doar niste versuri frante, cu care ne mai mangaiem uneori amintirile, aproape pierdute..

''Medieval thunder
Baltic reaction
Arctic nobleness
Medieval light. "

''And in these days,
every new fact is
meant to harm
The medieval icon. ''

''The nature smells good
the people smell bad,
But it's the people who decide
what is good or bad. ''

''Decision is yours
no further excuse.
However you are gonna die
no matter what you choose. ''

"Viciously attacked
Our blood will flow
It's seems that no one can stop
The international show.

Perfidious nonsense
Exciting the brain
It's time to save our souls
From the terrible chain

Everything is wrong
But the mobs feel good.
I feel viciously attacked
And misunderstood."

''Liars, beware!
storm across the sea.
Blessing storm of goodness
is what you cannot see.''

''Now, let us be aware
Of the medieval things.
And their charm and beauty,
As soft as angels' wings. ''

''Everything will perish
this is very clear,
But many people don't believe it
And they have no fear. ''

"Everyone will die,
it's easy to see.
What's the use of struggling every day
The Heaven must be!"

Si am gasit si modalitatea de a pune muzica pe youtube:

"Orthodox Arm" este formatia punk pe care Nicusor a infiintat-o in New York, cu cativa prieteni romani. Nu a avut succes, timp de 9 ani au lucrat impreuna, tragand nebuneste la o caruta care se incapatana sa ramana impleticita in noroiurile main stream-ului covarsitor. Dupa 9 ani, unul din membri a renuntat si totul s-a spart. Fiecare a luat alt drum si muzica lor a fost lasata uitarii. Nick s-a aruncat nebuneste in programare, dupa 7 ani a iesit si dupa inca 10 ani ne-am cunoscut si ne-am casatorit. A inceput alta odisee.




2 comentarii:

Ileana A. spunea...

si unde ai ascultat muzica? pe youtube?

AdrianaB spunea...

Mneah, ar fi fost frumos:)
Am ascultat-o acasa, de pe o caseta veche si prafuita..

Imi pare rau ca nu pot sa pun si muzica, ar fi fost ceva..