vineri, 5 februarie 2016

Profesori buni

Una din profesoarele lui Codrin, cea de la speech, ma impresioneaza placut. Mi-as fi dorit sa facem toti acest curs, si eu, si Nick, si fetele :).
Din pacate, Codrin e cel mai mic din clasa, deci fetele nu pot sa il faca, iar eu cu Nick cred ca suntem deja expirati.

Iata inca un model de comunicare dintre ea si C:

"Hi Stefan,
I hope your brother is feeling better!  Your homework for next week is to do the activity at the end of Chapter 9 on pages 195 and 6.  Choose your declamation speech either from the back of the book (appendix b), or another speech you admire, type it up double-space, mark it up for emphasis, and deliver it to us in class next week.  I’m hoping these will be around 2 minutes, but it will not be graded for time.  You will be reading it, not memorizing it.  You do need to practice to get it smooth, your pauses in the right place, and the words you want emphasized to sound right. 

Here’s an example we watched in class of a 2-minute segment of Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” speech he gave in Berlin in 1987.  It’s a good example of a declamation speech—a subject he felt passionately about that he shared with others.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. Robertson"

2 comentarii:

Ileana A. spunea...

Interesant. Profesoara de la ce, de la co-op? adica un alt parinte?

AdrianaB spunea...

Pai da, de la co-op. Toti sunt parinti, probabil ca are si studii, n- am intrebat-o :D
Preda cam de 8 ani aici.