vineri, 8 august 2008

Ajuta fratii sa se inteleaga intre ei

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Helping Siblings Get Along

Being a part of a family just lends itself to conflict. We live in a fallen world, none of us are perfect, and we all get tired, selfish, and irritable. (At least, I hope I'm not the only one!)

However, I think that as a parent you can be very intentional about helping your children to get along with each other.
  • Remind them of what a blessing it is to be in a family.
  • Model the behavior that you want them to have with each other. Sometimes we take the people that we're closest to for granted, but we can all work on giving the people in our family "the best", rather than our leftovers.
  • Praise them when they serve each other without being asked, respond positively even when someone wrongs them, or are considerate of another's feelings.
  • Deal with negative attitudes and ask the Lord to give you the strength as a parent to face the issue. Make working on good relationships a priority, but don't expect perfection!
  • Work with them on using self-control when they are frustrated, hurt, or angry.
  • Teach them about grace, forgiveness, and allowing God to love your siblings through you, even when you don't feel like it.
  • Have lots of fun together as a family. Approach things together as a team.
Nancy Carter

Un comentariu:

Maria Iuliana spunea...

Adriana, e o sursa de inspiratie blogul tau.. nu stiu cand am sa am timp sa asimilez ce ai pe aici.. eu sunt.. "low". F frumos ai povestit si despre drumul spre Platina. :) Iar copiii tai sunt minunati, dar deja stii asta. Tot timpul fac corelatii cu ai mei, ca pana in prezent suntem cam dupa acelasi tipar. Cine stie, poate mai vine si la noi tot un baietel, eu (si Mihail) ne-am dori. Ca Sanziana vrea sa mai nasc inca 8 fete, ca sa fie ele 10, si un baiat :))