vineri, 8 august 2008

HS la gradinita -sfaturi de la o mamica- yahoo.groups

Am sa incep sa postez aici, de vreme ce blogul acesta e ca un jurnal, diferite experiente ale celor din toata America, care fac de mult HS cu copiii lor. Cand o sa am timp o sa traduc, momentan fac doar culegere de date:)

Kindergarten Curriculum/early education
Posted by: "katkar2001" katkar2001
Sat Aug 2, 2008 5:02 am (PDT)

I have not used Calvert, so I can't address that topic although I
looked at the program. It is comforting to have a "school in a box"
for the first year of homeschooling. I loved sonlights core b.

I know you didn't ask, but I'll put in two cents about schooling a 4
year old. We lived in MN and they have a wonderful early childhood
family education program for birth -5 yrs old through the public
school system. They really drilled it into our heads that children
before kindergarten (5/6 yrs old)should have no paperwork/no seat
work. The children are natural learners through play. They told us
to avoid preschools that have paperwork! Learning through
Playing with water in the sink with funnels and spoons,
playing outside exploring all the parts of a plant or digging in the
dirt, being read to, painting and doing crafts, doing fieldtrips,
REading books to our children is the most inportant thing for
school preparation.
Learning to do what Mom/Dad or older sibling does
is what kids love to do. My boys (now 6 and 2) love to cook, help
clean (yes, the "fight" over who gets to vacuum!), and go anywhere I
go. There's more than enough lessons in a grocery store to cover all
that a child "needs to know" for Kindergarten. They also love
to "play" with the real things--real kitchen spoons/measuring cups
rather than toy kitchen stuff.

Without going into details, I have discovered what many homeschool
families have learned,
1. let the child's interests lead our day to day teaching
2. use the "teachable moments"
3. formal schooling can wait until they are developmentally ready and often that is after 7 years old.
Yes, I taught my 5 year old to read, but he was begging
me to learn to read and had all the reading readiness skills. He
still prefers I read to him. When looking at world test scores,
Finland has the highest... they also start school at 7 years old. No
early education. The countries with the worst scores start school at
3-5 years old.

Our culture is "school starts at 3". There is enough evidence by
research (since the 1930's!)that formal schooling should not start
before 7 years old or older. WE have the wonderful opportunity as
homeschoolers to teach our children in ways they learn best. Have
fun! :)


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